lotto results 11 March 2025
Geraldine Madigan, Einagh
Eithne Doyle, Ennis
Ray Conroy & Bernie Hayes, Doonbeg
Patricia O'Connor, c/o Jimmy Normoyle
Established in 1982 to promote awareness of the needs of the parish and provide a mechanism to fulfil those needs, Doonbeg Community Development Ltd – known as DCD – has been a cornerstone of the village since then.
Guided over the years by a skilled and diverse volunteer Board of Directors from across the community, DCD has spearheaded initiatives such as the original proposal for the Doonbeg Golf Club, the development of our water treatment plant, the creation of our Lake View and Riverside public parks, and securing a long-term lease on our Parish Hall ensuring its development and upkeep for the benefit of the whole community.
DCD also plays a role in the cultural life of our village by providing support to local events like our international jazz festival and our much-lauded drama festivals.
Registered as a limited company with charitable status, DCD acts as an umbrella organization for our numerous community groups, enabling them to secure essential funding and grants and ensuring that our community continues to thrive.
As a limited company with charitable status DCD enables community groups like Tidy Towns, the Playground group and others to apply for grant funding from Clare Co Council, the Government and the EU.
DCD manages and oversees the government’s Community Employment Project whose staff run the DCD Office/Visitor Information Point in Doonbeg Hall, and maintain our village, the GAA and church grounds, our graveyards, our loop walks and public parks.
DCD runs the Community Lotto which is a vital source of community income for the GAA and DCD itself.
DCD is responsible for the day to day running and upkeep of the community hall.
DCD administers the Senior Alert Scheme, the website and Facebook page.
DCD has variable income from the Community Lotto.
The insurance and upkeep of the community hall is funded through intermittent government and council grants and by income generated from the commercial hire of the main hall. Annual Insurance is in excess of €3,500 and it’s always a struggle to meet these running costs.
A full-time supervisor is funded by the Department of Social Protection to run the Community Employment Project. Her responsibilities include the administration of the Project and the day-to-day management of the hall.
DCD is run by a group of unpaid volunteers referred to as Directors of the Company.
There are currently nine Directors who hold minuted monthly meetings to discuss DCD’s responsibilities and report on current projects.
The current Directors are Willie Hanrahan (Chair), Alan Soutar (Secretary), Caroline O’Brien (Treasurer), Jim Clancy, John Flanagan, Paddy O’Grady, Jennie Drysdale, Rita McInerney and Bob McConkey.
Any member of the community can become a Director of DCD and we welcome new faces and new ideas. As a Director, it will take up very little of your time, but the continued existence of DCD is vital to our community. Where would our village be without our numerous active groups and the vital funding they need?
If you would like to find out more before making a decision to become involved, please contact Nuala in the Community Hall Office 065-9055288 /
Doonbeg Community Development Ltd.
Community Hall
Main Street
Doonbeg, Co. Clare
Monday & Tuesday 8.30am – 4pm
Wednesday & Thursday 10.00am - 4.30pm
Friday 8.30am – 1.30pm